[holykaw.alltop.com] Sir Topham Hatt’s stranglehold on the Sodor economy

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Sir Topham Hatt's stranglehold on the Sodor economy

Posted by  Kate Rinsema to Holy Kaw!


Being subjected to children’s television can have a strange effect on the mind of an adult, who can’t help but look through the critical eyes of one with more experience in the world.

If you’ve spent hours of quality time with Thomas the Train, even in book form, you might have noticed that Sir Topham Hatt has his hand in just about every pie on the little island of Sodor, and yet, there are some inexplicable inefficiencies at work as well, as Alex Knapp of Forbes noticed.

Here’s just a sampling of Knapp’s hilarious breakdown of Thomas the Train that’ll leave you a bit more suspicious of Sir Topham Hatt’s supposedly fair-minded character.

There’s clearly a bit of cronyism on the Island of Sodor helping to line the pockets of Sir Topham Hatt. Although reference is frequently made to elected officials such as a Mayor, Sir Hatt seems to be in charge of virtually everything on the island. In addition to running his own railroad, he’s often in charge of projects – like building a Search and Rescue station inMisty Island Rescue - that should properly be the purview of government. Indeed, the Island of Sodor bears no small resemblance to Boss Hogg’s Hazzard County, with Hatt seeming to own most of the businesses around and able to get the government to back those industries.

Full story at Forbes via Neatorama.

What are they doing to our kids?!

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