[holykaw.alltop.com] Mapping Star Wars

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Mapping Star Wars

Posted by  Kate Rinsema to Holy Kaw!


Artist Andrew DeGraff is a man who’s spent some serious quality time with the Star Wars series, as evidenced by the maps of the A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi for an upcoming show at G1988 Melrose.

Each character is represented as a colored line, and follows their progress through the entire film. The alternating colored lines represent characters traveling together who have a special bond, sometimes for only a short time like Chewie(brown) and 3PO(yellow) when Chewie is repairing him. Han(navy) and Chewie have a bond, R2(royal blue) when co-piloting for Luke (light blue), [etc.]

If you simply must have all things Star Wars, these would be a great addition to any collection when they become available, but Indiana Jones’ fans should also be excited by DeGraff’s plans to illustrate the travels of Hollywood’s favorite archaeologist in the near future.

Full story at Degrafflog via Popped Culture.

Never too much Star Wars.

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