[holykaw.alltop.com] Gourds: Great for decoration and storing the blood of kings

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Gourds: Great for decoration and storing the blood of kings

Posted by  Kate Rinsema to Holy Kaw!


One of the most famous events of world history was the French King and his dessert-loving Queen meeting their fate at the end of a guillotine blade back in the days of the French Revolution, and it appears fall’s favorite piece of natural décor has been holding some grisly evidence of the deed for the past 200 years.

Scientists were at a loss to substantiate the claim made on the surface of a dried gourd that, "On January 21, Maximilien Bourdaloue dipped his handkerchief in the blood of Louis XVI after his decapitation,” due to a lack of tissue from relatives for DNA testing, but lucky for them, the mummified head of another king, Henri IV, held evidence that the blood does, indeed, appear to be royal in origin, and, therefore, likely to be that of the unfortunate monarch.

Aren’t you glad this story broke after Thanksgiving? Just tuck this gem away for polite dinner conversation for next year.

Full story at Geekosystem via BBC.

Drops of history.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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