[holykaw.alltop.com] 12 reasons to choose creativity over despair

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12 reasons to choose creativity over despair

Posted by  Kate Rinsema to Holy Kaw!


In a world where it seems one bad thing after another floods our news feed, it’s often hard to turn away from despair and channel the energy being drained back into creative pursuits.

There is a choice to be made, though, and these are the twelve reasons Liz Massey of Creative Liberty makes an concerted effort to keep chugging along when despair threatens to overwhelm.

1) Creativity comes naturally to me – as it does to us all. Creativity is our birthright.

2) Creativity helps me focus on solutions, rather than exclusively on the problem, and makes me envision the result I DO want, not just what I am trying to avoid.

3) Creative collaboration amplifies individual ideas and encourages all who contribute to take ownership of what is created/implemented.

Full story at Creative Liberty.

Finding comfort in creativity.

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